lunes, 8 de febrero de 2010

La Libertad de la Soledad

Vengo. Hago.
voy. Camino. Vuelvo. Me aburro y salgo a divertirme.
Como. Bebo.
Leo, escucho, miro. Hago.
Descanso. Hago. Disfruto.
Vuelvo. Pienso. Hago. Comparto.
Pienso. Siento. Duermo.
Me voy un rato y vuelvo más tarde. Entro.
Sueño. Bebo.

Ad infinitun, con todas sus aristas y variantes.
Y con todos los artistas.


miércoles, 3 de febrero de 2010

If (Atom Heart Mother, 1970)

If I were a swan, I'd be gone.
If I were a train, I'd be late.
And if I were a good man, I'd talk with you more often than I do.
If I were to sleep, I could dream.
If I were afraid, I could hide.
If I go insane, please don't put your wires in my brain.
If I were the moon, I'd be cool.
If I were a book, I would bend.
If I were a good man, I'd understand the spaces between friends.
If I were alone, I would cry.
And if I were with you, I'd be home and dry.
And if I go insane, will you still let me join in with the game?
If I were a swan, I'd be gone.
If I were a train, I'd be late again.
If I were a good man, I'd talk to you more often than I do.